The EGSA-AÉDÉ is pleased to announce the release the Spring 2015 issue (Vol. 4, No. 1) of le/the Journal presenting students’ diverse research through a variety of unique lenses of inquiry.
At this time, we invite all Faculty of Education graduate students to submit papers for the Winter 2015 edition. le/the Journal showcases the diversity and excellence of graduate student research at the Faculty of Education. Our publication relies on contributions from fellow graduate students, and we welcome your submissions, as well as your comments.
Please consider turning one of your course papers or conference abstracts into an article. Options include: submitting a short paper (2-7 pages), an extended abstract (2-4 pages) of current research, or a summary of recent conference presentation (2-4 pages). If you are submitting a synopsis of a presentation, please include information on the conference at which it was presented.
Please email submissions to the attention of “le/the Journal Editor-in-Chief” at For your information, you can access previous volumes of le/the Journal on the EGSA-AÉDÉ website Submissions are typeset with minimal proofreading; they are not peer reviewed, so we ask you to please proofread carefully prior to submission and follow APA style guidelines. Please include a short bio with your submission. The submission deadline for the upcoming edition is: December 15, 2015. We look forward to receiving your submissions and thank you for your continued support of le/the Journal.