Assemblée générale de l’AÉDÉ/EGSA General Meeting Wednesday, Sept 19 4:00 – 5:30 pm LMX 388

Mercredi 19 septembre, 16h00-17h30 : Assemblée générale de l’AÉDÉ, LMX 388. Tous les étudiants des cycles supérieurs d’éducation sont invités à une assemblée générale de l’Association des étudiants diplômés de l’éducation. Nous recevons des fonds, donc aidez-nous à trouver des idées pour les investir ou pour les dépenser! Nous espérons avoir des rétroactions des étudiants diplômés. Vous pouvez aussi songer à participer dans votre association étudiante! Plus de détails sur les façons de vous impliquer ainsi qu’un programme de réunion seront affichés sur ici la semaine prochaine.

Wednesday, September 19, 4:00 – 5:30 pm EGSA General Meeting, LMX 388. All Education Graduate Students are invited to a general meeting of the Education Graduate Students Association. We spend your money, help us figure out how! We will be looking for feedback from students. Consider getting involve in your Students Association! More details on ways your can get involved, and a meeting agenda will be posted here next week.

The EGSA is a student run organization that provides a voice for Graduate Student’s within the Faculty of Education. As such, there are several elected student representative positions. At the General Meeting on September 19th, at 4pm, anyone interested in any of these elected positions will be invited to self-nominate and provide a 1-2 minute statement on why they should be selected to represented the students.  Immediate following the nominations, a blind ballot vote will be held.

The following student representation positions are available. Note, all elected student representatives are automatically members of the EGSA executive:

  1. GSAÉD Representative.  Student representative attends the monthly GSAÉD meetings as voting members representing the Graduate Student’s in the Faculty of Education. The representative is expected to report back to the EGSA executive on issues and events that are of interest to Education Graduate Students. The GSAÉD representative may be asked to write short reports for the EGSA weekly mailing or newsletter.
  2. CUPE Union Steward. The CUPE Union Steward must be a member of CUPE. You are a member if you have signed a contract with CUPE (and paid associated union dues). Your membership begins the day you sign the contract and lasts for 12-months. The CUPE Union Steward attends CUPE 2626 meetings and reports back to the EGSA Executive. The CUPE Steward may be asked to write short reports for the EGSA weekly mailing or newsletter.
  3. Conseil de la Faculté : Représentant(e) du secteur francophone. Megan I’ll let you write this one .. here are the points … also, please add that the rep must be bilingual enough to attend meetings in both English and French without the need for a translator. I’ll use the same text for the Anglophone Rep. The representative may be asked to write short reports for the EGSA weekly mailing or newsletter.
  4. Faculty Council: Anglophone Sector Representative  (Bilingual Position). Represents Anglophone Sector Graduate students at the monthly Faculty Council meetings and represents students within the Anglophone Sector. Meetings are bilingual, and as such, the representative must be able to participate fully in meetings without translation services. The representative reports to the Faculty Council on issues of interest to Students, and reports back to the EGSA executive. The representative may be asked to write short reports for the EGSA weekly mailing or newsletter.
  5. Education Policy Committee (Bilingual Position). Represents graduate students at the monthly Education policy committee meetings.  The representative actively contributes to the committee, providing feedback on policy from a student’s perspective. The representative reports back to the EGSA executive. The representative may be asked to write short reports for the EGSA weekly mailing or newsletter.


In addition to being the official voice of students, the EGSA also has an executive that works for students to provide information, host social and academic events, and advocate for students when necessary. The EGSA executive is comprised of volunteers, who take on a variety of roles.

The following is a list of the current suggested roles for the EGSA executive. Note that this list is ever evolving to account for the many talents of those who volunteer:

  • Co-chairs. Works with other co-chairs to organize and chair the EGSA executive meetings, including: setting the agenda, setting date and time, booking rooms, and ensuring someone is taking minutes.
  • Recording Secretary. Takes minutes at all EGSA executive meetings. Produces a bilingual short report (one paragraph) on the highlights of the executive meeting for the EGSA website/blog.
  • Financial Officer. Manages EGSA finances, reports financial status to EGSA executive, creates a sustainable budget, signs cheques.
  • Communications officer – Regular communications. Checks EGSA email account at least every other day, posts updates to the website/blog/Facebook group announcing our events, and coordinates the preparation of content for the weekly mailing to students &  faculty.
  • Newsletter editor. Solicits contributions to the newsletter, edits and compiles newsletter content into PDF form for email distribution, and writes a short synopsis of the newsletter content for the weekly mailing announcement.
  • Knowledge Management / Technology Officer. Provides technical support for the operations of the EGSA executive, manages (and tracks) all EGSA electronic accounts (email, Facebook, Blog, MailChimp, etc), manages the email lists, recommends appropriate maintainable/sustainable processes and technology solutions to help manage the current knowledge management needs of the EGSA.
  • EGSA Marketing / Promotions Officer. Helps to promote the EGSA (for example, coordinating the setup of tables the first week of classes), creates posters and advertisements for EGSA executive activities such as the General Meeting, promotes EGSA events/activities to graduate students (in coordination with specific event hosts), manages EGSA branding.
  • Language Officer(s). Ensures that all texts and documents from the EGSA are written in correct French and English. Assists members of the Executive with translation.
  • Social events coordinator. Manages the calendar for social events. Coordinates the calendar with the Academic events coordinator. Solicits event hosts when there are gaps in the calendar. Helps event hosts with navigating EGSA specific logistics (funding, etc)
  • Academic events coordinator. Manages the calendar for academic events. Coordinates the calendar with the social events coordinator. Solicits event hosts when there are gaps in the calendar. Helps event hosts with navigating EGSA specific logistics (funding, etc)

We are looking for volunteers who might be interested in taking on a role within the executive. Many of the above positions are open, and can be modified to align with the changing needs of the EGSA and the needs and interests of the students who volunteer. To make the best use of all students who are willing to volunteer, the positions mentioned above will be determined first by consensus, then by vote of the EGSA executive, at the next few EGSA Executive meetings. We ask that, you, the members of the EGSA show your confidence in those who volunteer to run your Students’ Association.

At the EGSA General Meeting, we will ask those present for the following vote of confidence:

“We, the Faculty of Education Graduate Students, endorse those who volunteer to represent us as executive members of the EGSA”.